18. maj: Meleat Fredriksson
TID: 18. maj kl. 10.00-22.00
STARTSTED: Mimersgade, København N
Live-stream hver hele time på www.facebook.com/walkingcopenhagen
I will bring private, practical and theatrical feelings, objects and attitudes out with me on this walk in the city.
And it will go something like this:
Wondering and wandering about.
Resting, moving a little activating
some senses and possibly some sense
Brush brush brush
Teeth and hair
Brush my teeth, stomp my feet
Hot when I dance
Gone in a stance
Say say say
If i sway my hips like this, will you dip dip dip
Into the
or snap out of it
I’m on the way, you’re on the way
Background noise
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Meleat Fredriksson is a dancer and choreographer, educated from The Danish National School of Performing Arts in Copenhagen. Since graduating in 2015, she has been part of Danseatelier, a studio-collective consisting of 11 dance artists working with creating continuity within the freelance world and explore art making, sharing and hosting – using multiple hierarchies.
Meleat’s work often springs out of and features improvisation, rhythm and attitude. She is currently tuning into and questioning how her blackness is connected to her artwork. On the mission to duck imposed values, standards and affirmation she wonders what happens when she places her whole (intersectional) self at the core of the research?
Meleat’s work has been shown in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Hong Kong at festivals such as My Wild Flag 2019, Gothenburg Dance and Theatre Festival 2018, TheCarrierBag Festival 2016, and Hong Kong International Choreography Festival 2016.