LOOKING FOR COURAGE – Produced by OperaNord & Sifenlv New Media Studio
WHAT Performance
WHEN 26 – 29 Aug. 20.30 hrs
WHERE Metrostation DR Byen, Ørestads Boul. 23, Kbh S – see map
TICKET 165 / 125 kr
A performance about regaining courage
With a radio receiver in your ear, you are dispatched on a guided city walk through Ørestad. As you walk, the setting changes before your very eyes, and before you know it, you have to go below ground. Down there you are whirled through a hypnotic world of interactive sound and video, and suddenly you find yourself outside time and space.
You have been catapulted back to something reminiscent of 1989, when Europe demolished The Berlin Wall. You meet the woman who was once a rebel leader, but who has now returned to her past in search of herself. You become involved in her search, and what began as a fairly harmless city walk, develops into a journey towards death.
Tietgenkollegiet provides the live backdrop for this unique musical drama produced by OperaNord and Sifenly New Media Studio in Beijing. The performance was developed over a couple of years by pioneering Chinese and Danish artists, who mix text, sound and digital media with opera, butoh dance and throat singing.
DURATION 135 min.
AGE from 14 years
PHOTO Christoffer Askman
ART WORK Signe Klejs and Birk Marcus Hansen
Created by Camilla Hübbe, Charlotte Munksø, Klejs&Rønsholdt, Lin Zhang, Jiangzhou Feng, Birk Marcus Hansen, Louise Beck
Performers Loré Lixenberg, Liu Zheng, Wu Tingcui and Lucy Railton
In collaboration with Ørestad choir, the students from Tietgenkollegiet and local inhabitants from Ørestad
Produced by OperaNord, København & Sifenlv New Media Studio, Beijing
Statens Kunstfonds Musikdramatiske Udvalg, Kulturministeriets Pulje for Kunstnerisk Udviklingsvirksomhed, Nordea-fonden, Statens Kunstfonds Projektstøtteudvalg for Scenekunst, Statens Kunstråds Scenekunstudvalg, Den Danske Scenekunstskole København, Statens Kunstfonds Legatudvalg for Musik, Bydelspuljen Amager Vest Lokaludvalg, S.C. Van Fonden, Scenografernes Ophavsretsforvaltning, KODA-Dramatik, Københavns Scenekunstudvalg, DIVA-residensprogram, CPH Air, Forvaltningen af den Kollektive tredjedel af Båndkopimidler, Dansk Komponist Forenings Produktionspulje and KODAs Kulturelle Midler, Music Confucius Institute at Det Kongelige Danske Musikonservatorium, Grundejerforeningen Ørestad Universitetskvarter, Field’s