LA COSA – Claudio Stellato

Four men versus two tons of stubborn wood
WHEN 13, 14, 15, 16 Aug. at 19.00 hrs.
WHERE Outdoors on Refshaleøen, Beddingen, near Refshalevej 171B, Copenhagen K
TICKET DKK 165 / youth 95


Large axes and intense courage are the weapons in the four men’s fierce fight against piles of firewood. A meeting between man and nature. The men, who have proudly piled the wood into beautiful sculptures. And the wood, which defiantly refuses to be tamed. A burlesque ritual with equal parts ferocity, humour and play.

In a clearing in Refshaleøen’s wilderness, multi artist and choreographer Claudio Stellato makes the wood dance. He has lived in the wild in order to get to know his material, and he passes his sensual fascination of wood on to the audience. The scent of newly chopped wood, the sound of sliding piles of wood, the splintering blows from the axe.

La Cosa is a choreography for men and wood, where chaos and unpredictability interfere with the hilarious power struggle between the men. Pushed to the limits by two tons of stubborn wood, which is constantly shaped and destroyed, the battle for the rank of alpha male becomes increasingly desperate, bold and ridiculously funny.



DURATION 55 min.
AGE From 9 years
Wallonie-Bruxelles International

Choreographer: Claudio Stellato
Performers: Julian Blight, Mathieu Delangle, Valentin Pythoud, Claudio Stellato
Scenographer: Nathalie Maufroy
Production & management: Nathalie De Backer
Production: Fangule A.D.F
Photo: Alain Julien
Co-production: Les Halles de Schaerbeek, la Maison de la Culture de Tournai, Manège de Reims – Scène Nationale, La Villette (Paris), Oerol Festival (NL), L’Échangeur – CDC Picardie, Theater op de Markt (BE), Le Prato Pôle National des Arts du Cirque (Lille).
Supported by: Latitude 50 – Pôle arts du cirque et de la rue (Marchin), Espace Périphérique (Paris), Le Cuvier – CDC Aquitaine (Bordeaux), La Brèche, Pôle National des Arts du Cirque de Basse-Normandie – Cherbourg-Octeville, L’Atelier des Marches (Bordeaux), Festival Excentrique – Culture-O-Centre (Orléans), Menu Spaustuve (Lithuania), Les Brigittines – Centre d’Art contemporain du Mouvement de la Ville de Bruxelles, Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes (Paris), La Biennale de Danse de Lyon, Le Mans fait son cirque, Viagrande Studios (Italy), Subtopia (Stockholm), Circus Centrum (Ghent) and la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles –  Danse