How Metropolis has contributed to reinventing Copenhagen – interview with Katrien Verwilt in KLAXON
Klaxon, the electronic magazine dedicated to living art in public space, published by Cifas, brings an interview with Metropolis co-director Katrien Verwilt in their January 2020 edition “Artists Creating Urbanity”. The article focuses on Metropolis’ work to fuse the processes of artistic creation and urban development
“We were and remain convinced that artists have a role to play in creating more vibrant cities and neighbourhoods. In our current program, everything is in situ: for each project, for each work, we try to find the right place, to be contextual. The neighbourhood has to need the project.” – Katrien Verwilt.
Excerpt of the interview:

You can read the entire interview in the magazine with examples of our work with a.o. Karoline H. Larsen, Bureau Detours and Compagnie XY.
The article is part of KLAXON’s special focus on Copenhagen, which also includes an interview with former Copenhagen city architect Tina Saaby – who is as well part of the Metropolis board – and with Superflex about Superkilen.
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