Open call – Walking Landscapes 2021
WANTED: 130 artists to walk through the Danish landscape
Metropolis and 12 municipalities across the country are looking for 130 artists for WALKING LANDSCAPES.
Walking Landscapes connects art and nature in a programme of 130 artistic walks through different Danish landscapes in the period June to October 2021.
Each artist will walk for 12 hours through different landscapes and send signs of life via live-stream every hour. These signs of life can be a performative action, storytelling, conversation/meeting, interaction with the place, collection of material, etc. completely dependent on the concept. Audiences can be invited to participate along the way.
Great artistic diversity is sought in the project. This open call is therefore for both performers/stage directors, dancers/choreographers, visual artists, musicians/composers/sound artists, writers/playwrights, (landscape) architects, film and photography artists, scenographers, designers/artisans and others with relevant art and art-related qualifications and experience in contemporary art.
The project presupposes that the artist has an interest in and can work with the theme “landscape”. The artist is encouraged to see this as an opportunity to participate in an artistic, interdisciplinary development project with a focus on developing and qualifying the site-specific walking art.
The artist must have knowledge of the region he/she is walking in. The participating municipalities are:
Bornholm – Frederikshavn / Skagen – Nykøbing Falster / Guldborgsund – Randers – Roskilde – Silkeborg – Vejle – Viborg – Vordingborg / Møn – Aabenraa – Aalborg – Aarhus.
Walking Landscapes is an artistic mapping of 12 completely different landscapes that can frame the desired dialogue between art and nature: natural landscapes, cultural landscapes and urban landscapes – in-between city and countryside.
The purpose of the walks is to interpret and communicate the chosen landscapes through widely differing artistic perspectives. In addition to the local potentials, we see the project as a nationwide manifestation and symbolic action at a time when people and nature must find a new balance.
Art can contribute with important perspectives on the development and situation of society. This project provides an opportunity to develop new art practices, new narratives, new site-awareness and new future perspectives. The walks are organised and shaped by the individual artists in relation to the overall purpose as well as the dogmas (see below).
The specific landscapes/areas in each municipality are chosen in collaboration with the municipality and the local partners.
The concept is based on Wa(l)king Copenhagen – a project created by Metropolis and 100 artists in the summer of 2020 as an artistic manifestation in the time of corona.
– See here for inspiration and examples of walks: WA(L)KING COPENHAGEN
We would like to invite 10 artists per municipality to create and make individual walks, however, 20 artists in Aalborg – a total of 130 artists and 130 walks.
The walks are carried out continuously from mid-June to mid-October, 10 days in each municipality.
Preliminary schedule (changes may occur until Feb. 1):
Bornholm // 11-20 June
Aalborg // 21 June-10 July
Silkeborg // 11-20 July
Møn // 21-30 July
Aabenraa // 31 July-9 Aug.
Randers // 10-19 Aug.
Guldborgsund // 20-29 Aug.
Skagen // 30 Aug.-8 Sept.
Roskilde // 9-18 Sept.
Aarhus // 19-28 Sept.
Viborg // 29 Sept.-8 Oct.
Vejle // 9-18 Oct.
We work with both an online audience through live-stream and with the opportunity to participate live. It is up to the individual artist to find a concept for audience participation that fits the artistic idea as well as the current corona restrictions. Eg. joint walking on parts of the route, audience at individual stops/places, a guide to walk on your own, etc.
Dogmas for the walk:
– the walk lasts 12 hours
– the walk is created and carried out by one artist, who can, however, arrange meetings along the way
– the artist sends signs of life via live-stream every hour
– a concept for live audience participation must be developed
The invited artists are paid DKK 10,000 plus any costs. Technical equipment for live-streaming is provided.
In each municipality, a preparatory full-day workshop is held plus an introduction to equipment/streaming for the participating artists as well as ongoing mentoring by appointment. In addition, online inspiration sessions are regularly held with professionals within nature/art and other relevant fields.
Participating artists must have a relationship/affiliation with the municipalities they seek to create for. Each artist performs one walk, but can apply to participate in up to 3 different municipalities, provided that the local connection is in place.
Local affiliation can e.g. be being a resident, having a holiday home in the area, visiting the place regularly, being raised there, having worked intensively in the area, etc.
Online information meetings are held for interested artists, where the project and the process are presented in detail, and where you can ask questions:
Tuesday 26 January 16.00-17.30
Monday 1 February 16.00-17.30
Monday 8 February 16.00-17.30 (in English)
Friday 12 February 12.00-13.30
The application must contain:
Application form – download here
Links to photos/video of previous (alternatively, you can attach a portfolio as pdf)
Please send the application to the email below. Send registration for the information meetings to the same mail.
Send to:
Application deadline: 15 February 2021
The participating artists are selected by Metropolis together with the artistic partners in the individual municipalities. Responses to applications can be expected no later than 1 April.
Metropolis is an international platform for performance and art in public space based in Copenhagen and organised by Københavns Internationale Teater. Walking Landscapes is organised and financed together with the participating municipalities/partners with support from among others the Danish Arts Foundation.