Metropolis Residencies 2024

This summer, Metropolis hosted two three-week residencies, each residency for 7-8 international artists and one four-week residency for 5 artists from the Nordic/Baltic region as part of a strategic partnership program. Below, you can read more about the individual artists.

Residency Framework

The theme of Metropolis’ new four-year cycle is “from Metropolis to Ecopolis” with a focus on a more ecologically related artistic practice, redefining cities as more hybrid and complex landscapes.

We are interested in exploring how artistically driven processes can activate new awareness and commitment in a shared future. As we have our main focus on the “condition of the world” and the climate and ecological crisis, we have invited artists who have this consciousness as an integrated aspect in their work.

Our mission is to support artists to be able to work in and to change our notion of the public space and to develop methodologies, practice and concepts which are explorative and engaging.

The artists will be based on Refshaleøen but are free to work all over Copenhagen. You may meet them randomly, while they are out exploring, or you can keep an eye on our invitations for try-outs and showings with the residency artists.

Learn more about the artists and their residency projects:


