WHAT Harbour cruise
WHEN 20, 21 & 22 Aug. 19 hrs and 21 hrs
WHERE Departure from Nordre Toldbod 7, Kbh K – see map
TICKET 165 / 125 kr
Cruise on a floating sound studio
A harbour cruise with concerts along the quay and piers. The boat has been converted into a floating sound studio, ferrying the audience around the harbour. Onboard the boat, a mix-master composes a new sound universe with sounds from the harbour’s past and present, processed and mixed with music created on the quay and picked up via radio transmitters. The screams from the seagulls mix themselves with those of the guitars. Metallic percussion sculptures clonk like a dockworker’s hammer. Spindrift, vocals, propeller noise and keyboard tunes spread and turn into the harbour’s new soundscape, available only on the boat. A contemporary, symphonic and site-specific work.
Nine leading musicians from the composer association Skræp have pioneered new forms of music. They experiment with instruments, find inspiration in other cultures, cooperate with stage and visual artists and explore new technology.
They all have long careers behind them, at home and abroad. Now they join forces with a unique interpretation of Copenhagen’s harbour, where each of them found inspiration and atmosphere in their own micro-universe. Experience P.O. Jørgens, Irene Becker, Aviaja Lumholt, Pierre Dørge, Per Buhl Acs, Tomomi Adachi, Olga Magieres, Henning Frimann and Jørgen Teller.
DURATION 90 min.
AGE from 10 years
PHOTO Maja Nydal Eriksen
By and with P.O. Jørgens, Irene Becker, Aviaja Lumholt, Pierre Dørge, Per Buhl Acs, Tomomi Adachi, Olga Magieres, Henning Frimann, Nicolas Kauffmann and Jørgen Teller
Support Statens Kunstfonds Legatudvalg for Musik and SNYK