Performing Landscapes non-stop
TIME 16, 17, 18 May 14h00-21h00
PLACE Refshaleøen – meeting place: Refshalevej 320 / the programme is primarily outdoor – see location
WHAT Performances, workshops and work-in-progress
LANGUAGE Danish and English
Welcome to Performing Landscapes non-stop – art, landscape and people in an ecological threesome.
Here we continue our mini-festival and investigation of what the role and potential of art is in a time of acute ecological crisis.
Join us on this investigation of the relationship between art, nature, landscape and people.
Refshaleøen’s crumbling, industrial rawness, the rewilding of nature and the prospect of massive urban development provide the perfect framework for a meeting between the aesthetic, the ethical and the adventurous in a performance programme on the edge.
We have invited a team of eco-conscious artists who work with sensing, wandering, resting, entanglement, resonance and communities with a focus on the relationship between the human and the more-than-human.
18 artists/companies let us feel for ourselves what art can do through performances and workshops. They take us on a discovery of how we can be present in the world in other ways, how we can connect, and how art can open us up to new experiences and perspectives.
How can we live and create more sustainably and in equal interaction with our surroundings? None of us have the answers. Yet. But we hope that you will curiously explore with us and maybe take us all one step further in a new and right direction.
The programme is for everyone who is interested in art, nature and climate.
The laboratory originates from the three-year project Metropolis Landscape and is supported by the Nordea Foundation, Bikubenfonden, the Danish Arts Fundation and Copenhagen Municipality.
You can participate one or more days. You will receive an email where you can register for the specific artists’ activities.
The weather: Most activities take place outdoors, so please dress according to the weather in practical clothes that are allowed to get dirty. In case of rain, many activities will move indoors.
Physical participation: Many of the activities require physical participation. If you have walking difficulties, please contact us at Then we’ll put together a programme that suits you.
600 Highwaymen, Alex Mørch, Beyond Darkness, Dorte Bjerre, hello!earth, Katrine Faber, Lisa Brüning, Maja Kristine Christensen/Building Conversation, Maria Viftrup, Marie-Louise Stentebjerg, Nana Francisca Schottländer, Sara Gebran, Sara Vilardo/Sonja Winckelmann Thomsen, Sarah Lee Armstrong, Sonja Strange, Tora Balslev & Wunderland/Mette Aakjær
We have chosen five thematic tracks which can be your way into the extensive programme.
1) RESTING BODIES – bodily approaches to rediscovering silence and slowness and make room for rest and being
2) PLAYING PARTS – playful game formats where logical perception of reality is challenged by living alternatives
3) SENSING PLACES – an invitation to listen, see, smell, feel and sense the connection between the body and the place
4) HEALING RITUALS – performative communities that seek to create collective and individual liberation
5) ENGAGING ACTIVISM – a search for alternatives in a time of complex, structural challenges
WHAT CAN YOU EXPERIENCE? (artists divided according to themes)
The interactive piece ‘Sharing Perspectives’ is relational art and embodied-attention-making art. It is a performative score that stages and explores boundaries, uncertainty, togetherness, perspectives, the resting body, and the relationship in-between bodies and between bodies and the vibrant space. Dorte Bjerre Jensen wishes to sensitize us to the more-than-human. Her passion is to create performative scores that transform the public and the public space into an artwork. At Refshaleøen, we will rest with chosen places and share each other’s perspectives.
In 2019, Sharing Perspectives was performed in relation to the Olafur Eliasson exhibition ‘In Real Life’ at the Tate Modern in London. Sharing Perspectives was felt by one participant to be ”…like booze at a party. It basically breaks your inhibitions, and I think a lot of people that haven’t been raised in art are inhibited about how to act, and this is like a way of smashing through that”.
Dorte Bjerre Jensen’s work is anchored in an evolving artistic inquiry into multisensory relations of ecological attention through movement. Her performative scores act as live art installations and interventions that allow people to explore practices of bodily attuning to space, objects/more than-human worlds and other sensing bodies. Dorte Bjerre’s pieces have depicted human and landscape interdependencies as hybrids between sound, movement and interactive installations. It messes with the genius solo-artist and the interdependency of life and work, a feminist-materialist aesthetics of production.
In English
I løbet af vinteren har Dorte Bjerre og Nana Francisca Schottländer sammen med en tværdisciplinær gruppe af kunstnere, forskere og andre afholdt en række laboratorier til undersøgelse af hvilen fra forskellige perspektiver. Gennem workshops, vidensdeling og fælles hvile har de undersøgt hvilen som en blid, omsorgsfuld og effektiv modstand i en verden, der hylder produktivitet, udnyttelse og vækst.
I denne workshop deler fokuserer de på den hvilende krop som udgangspunkt for en fælles erfaring og refleksion.
Workshop & lecture – NB! Only Saturday
In Danish
HELLO!EARTH: YOU MAY REST – a cooling action in an overheated system
You may rest is a slow and silent practice to re-articulate the value of rest and meet the exhaustions we face of our planet, the exhaustion in our social systems, our economy, in our body and mind. Framed by a simple circular outdoor space, the workshop invites us to immerse in resting collectively, asking questions about the systemic impact of rest and exploring different qualities of rest as embodied actions towards change. And above all, we will simply rest together – giving rest back to rest.
The work will be presented as interventions on public squares close to public institutions in Copenhagen in August accompanied by a resting toolkit that suggests continuing collective resting practices in our daily lives.
hello!earth is Jacob Langaa-Sennek, scenographer and visual artist, and Vera Maeder, choreographer and performance artist. hello!earth works to develop sharpened attention and consciousness in the search of new spiritual and sensory communities, and they create artistic laboratories with room for great and fragile visions. Here, new thoughts and ideas can become real. Here you create the world instead of consuming it.
Workshop & intro to the project
In English
Pilling is the title of a performance practice that considers the layers of soil that constitute the ground beneath our feet and the massive weight that pushes these layers downwards in a slow and constant motion. The practice consists of a series of instructions that you follow as you lie in a pile of bodies.
You will be a part of the pile and through this, you will experience a place and the meeting with others through touch, weight, gravity, smell, textures. It will give you an embodied understanding of an encounter with a place and with the ground that carries us. By opening our bodies and sensitivities, we experience another kind of connection to our environment.
Marie-Louise Stentebjerg is a choreographer, dancer and performer with a practice-based approach to choreography. Her practice has an emphasis on collective processes and the potential that exists ‘in between’. Her main artistic practice unfolds within Institute of Interconnected Realities, an artistic project orientated around the concept of decentralised choreography and its multiple manifestations.
In Danish/English
‘This is a Place of Rest’ is an activistic workshop performance guiding the participants through resting with the past, the present and the potential futures of Refshaleøen, an old industrial site turned hip cultural venue and soon to be developed as part of the ongoing growth and expansion of Copenhagen.
The workshop explores how we can sink into a place, its material layers and stories and rest as a way to connect ourselves physically and mentally with them. We rest in places shaped by logics of production, consumption and growth and with our resting bodies we challenge these agendas and seek to open other ways of being with the places.
Nana Francisca Schottländer works cross-aesthetically within choreography, performance and installation. Central to her work is the use of the body as a living tool for investigation and creation. Her work revolves around co-creative potentials in encounters with other-than-human entities and phenomena. In recent years, her focus has been on landscapes and material cycles that are shaped by human intervention.
In English
A civic performance created by strangers. New York artists 600 Highwaymen have created an intimate performance about how small we are in the face of awesome natural forces, and of our mutual dependence. Using a shared script, 16 audience members come together for one hour to construct an evocative story of perseverance and ruin. This timely and intimate work explores the line between strangeness and kinship, distance and proximity, and how the most intimate assembly can become profoundly radical.
The New York Times called A Thousand Ways “Splendid. Funny and sweet and unexpectedly moving”, and “a work of inquisitive humanity and profound gentleness, which over the course of an hour buffs away the armor that lets us proceed through our days brusque, numb, and antagonistic.”
Since 2009, 600 HIGHWAYMEN, Abigail Browde & Michael Silverstone (US), have been making live art that, through a variety of radical approaches, illuminates the inherent poignancy of people coming together. The work exists at the intersection of theater, dance, contemporary performance, and civic encounter.
In English
“Måden, vi taler på, har indflydelse på den fremtid, vi skaber”
Tingenes Råd er et samtaleformat, der gentænker vores forhold til hinanden, til omverdenen og til naturen, og som udfordrer det verdenssyn, der placerer mennesket i centrum, når vi handler på samtidens udfordringer. Formatet er skabt af den hollandske performancegruppe Building Conversation, som henter æstetiske greb og inspiration fra filosofier, teknikker, ceremonier og ritualer fra hele verden. Samtalen er performativ og bliver bl.a. brugt som træning i regenerativ tænkning, som en del af planlægnings- og udviklingsprocesser og til forskning og i forbindelse med kunstbegivenheder.
Maja Kristine Christensen har arbejdet i div. kunstgrupper, bl.a. med immersivt teater (Wunderland), performative samtaler (Building Conversation) og har undersøgt, hvordan mennesker relaterer til steder og naturen. Som fotograf og filmmager har hun lavet billeder til musik, og for tiden udvikler hun kreative uddannelsesformater/transformative learning.
In Danish
Let the cards guide you. This is a game physically consisting of action cards, objects, and scents. It also uses the space it is played in – outside or inside as well as your own body. Your hand is the gameboard and we take you through a series of 6 small experiences alone or with other people. Each experience uses your mind or your senses to dig into yourself and the group from different angles. The game is inspired by sensorial theatre, psychomagic and board games that inspire to conversation and reflection rather than winning. Penta is guided by a host that holds the time and structures the game.
Sara Vilardo is a performance artist, actress and theatre maker. Her specialisation focuses on creating performances in landscape or unconventional spaces, using site-specific and interactive approaches. She has collaborated as a performer and/or co-author with international and Danish companies.
Sonja W. Thomsen is a writer, concept developer and dramaturg within the field of participatory, site-specific performance. She also has a visual and digital background working for public media (DR), artists and institutions creating digital universes, casual games and websites. In both areas the audience/user experience is her main focus always seeking simplicity and poetry – whether it being an app or a forest performance.
Sara Vilardo and Sonja W. Thomsen have been working together in multiple performances for the past ten years, but this is their first common work.
In English
Through 433 sonic investigations and disturbances of the Kingdom of Denmark, Sonum Danica will create sound surfaces in and of sound in the landscape. The background sound is amplified to the point of resonance and the dominant resonant frequencies are filtered out, making room for a lively interplay between the less dominant voices and the present sound. Sonum Danica is an ongoing, long-term project that will make the same approach in a multitude of environments: nature, city, factory, infrastructure, heritage, etc. The project is supported by Den Jyske Kunstfond, Aarhus Municipality and KODA Kultur.
Composer and sound artist Alex Mørch often integrates spatial installation, noisy machinery, traditional musicians, performance and light. Time, intimacy, context, existentialism, absurdity and technology are entangled in works that range from performative concerts to exhibitions and public spaces. Noise and harmony, chaos and synchronicity. /
No language
What lies in the world underground, invisible to the human eye, hidden from the human experience and yet fully entangled into our own lives? Among other things, the vast cosmos of mycelium. It is transforming the soil beneath our feet, communicating with trees and plants, and relaying nutrients between a variety of species.
With the ENTANGLED performance, your attention is put onto this almost entirely invisible organism, exploring fungi life cycles and their important role as decomposers who break down leaves, wood and other organisms, actively shaping our existence on earth. They are said to be the first land organisms to have emerged and continue being ever-present today. So much so that with each inhalation we breathe in invisible fungal spores, no matter where we are.
Beyond Darkness is the choreographic duo of Nanna Hanfgarn Jensen and Nadja Mattioli. They create highly sensorial realms through immersive choreographic performances and ecocentric installations in which they explore new human and beyond human perspectives and relationships. They also engage in multispecies collaborations across the realms of fungi, flora and fauna. Performance: Cecilie Schyth Kjær / Host: Nadja Mattioli / Sculptures: Josefine Thornberg-Thorsøe / Sound art: Eliza Bozek
In English
Songs from Our Bodies er et scenekunstnerisk værk i udvikling, der undersøger resonansen mellem mennesker og vores levende omgivelser. Songs from Our Bodies inviterer til en syngende, summende, sansende, lyttende vandring i Refshaleøens landskab af industri og vilde vækster. 4 ritualer inviterer dig til at give din stemme, som den gave den er, og til at gå i dialog med Refshaleøens stemmer i en tid med store forandringer. Hvilke stemmer, steder og liv er det vigtigt, at vi lytter til? Hvilke fremtidige livsbetingelser skaber vi for os selv og vores levende omgivelser?
Songs from Our Bodies er en fortsat undersøgelse af resonans som et kunstnerisk, socialt, relationelt, eksistentielt og økologisk værktøj. Et interaktivt, nomadisk stemmeværk, som søger at skabe nye fællesskaber og brugbare redskaber til vores fælles fremtid.
Katrine Faber er scenekunstner, stemmekunstner, komponist, iscenesætter og installationskunstner. Hun er kunstnerisk leder af Teater Viva, der udvider opfattelsen af teater til et kunstnerisk rum, hvor vi kan møde os selv, hinanden og vores levende omgivelser i en udvidet resonans. Siden 2015 med Singing Our Place: et internationalt tværkunstnerisk projekt om mennesker, vores levende omgivelser og vores fælles fremtid.
In Danish
Har mennesket en jordsans? Et gehør for muldens stemmer? Et blik for myriader af mikroorganismer? En indre omsorg, der forbinder os med bjerges død, lerets liv og planternes evige kredsløb? Eller er denne jordfølsomhed noget vi må øve os i? Maria Viftrup guider publikum gennem en Jordsans-behandling, som udfordrer til radikalt nærvær og fælles omsorg.
I Jordsans Sanatoriet inviteres du til sanselig oplevelse, hvor din jordsans trænes gennem berøring. Her kan du træne dit ansigt til at udvikle jordmod, mulderkendelse, duftkriblen. Træne jordnærhed helt konkret. Alt, hvad du er i berøring med i denne behandling, er dybt forbundet med jord. Vær opmærksom på, at det både kan være en smuk, følsom, intim og voldsom oplevelse at få eller give en jordsans-behandling. Træk vejret. Lad dig overvælde. Hvordan føles jordens ekstreme nærvær?
Maria Viftrup genforhandler vores naturforståelse ved at skabe sanselige oplevelser i spændingsfeltet mellem billedkunst og spekulativt design. Hendes værker nærer nysgerrigheden og opdyrker omsorg for det mindste, det støvede, det sanselige og det værdiløse. Jordsans er skabt i samarbejde med Jordens hus – en forening, som kuraterer og formidler i krydsfeltet mellem kunst, jordbrug og videnskab. Jordsans er et begreb under tilblivelse og manifesterer sig løbende som udstillinger, performances og events.
In Danish
In- and outdoor
An immersive workshop and a taster of Twisted Forest – a Human Imagination Game. A dive into Wunderland’s sensorial and highly physical participatory work.
In the urban landscapes of Refshaleøen, we will do physical and sensory investigations. We will travel through some of the experiences from the performance Twisted Forest as an example of Wunderland’s work. Twisted Forest is a journey through the anatomy of the human body and of the forest. An invitation to explore your senses and your imagination. The performance is partly led by interactive sound in the landscape, partly by performers.
In this workshop, the scenes will be an example of a traveling work in the process of being integrated in the landscapes. When adjusting a work to a new place, Wunderland’s team normally uses 2-3 weeks sensing and communicating with the landscape and human bodies before opening the performances.
Mette Aakjær / Wunderland is passionate about exploring cracks in the reality we think we know. With Wunderland, she creates experiences that evoke an intuitive, associative inner state, where understanding becomes bodily kaleidoscopic. Coming from experimental dance and physical theatre, she created her own immersive work since 1993 and explores audience participation, interactivity and sensory tools since 2001.
Artists and technicians developing the material used here: Mette Aakjær, Thoranna Bjornsdottir, Sonja Winkelmann Thomsen, Helga Rosenfelt Olsen, Lindon Shimizu and Jesper Lyng. Artistic and production assistant: Laura Kley
Workshop & taster
In Danish/English
Since ancient times, people have been searching for healing in the collective wisdom of a circle. A circle, which is always as wise and strong as the shared experience of its participants. In times of collective and individual trauma, climate anxiety and a rising sense of disconnection from our surroundings, Lisa Brüning offers a connected series of performative healing-circles happening in a sheltered place between the bushes on Refshaleøen. In this performative workshop, we open collectively to our current deepest personal, social or environmental pain. Identifying and embracing the pain in the first circle, taking curing and art-activist action in the second circle, and setting the pain free into the sea in a third circle.
Lisa Brüning (DE) is a theatre director and primarily works internationally with site-specific, performative rituals that explore how people relate to nature and are connected to each other in our present. She mixes participatory art with installations to evoke feelings of community. A consciousness for a sustainable, mindful theatre-production is deeply integrated in her way of working and thinking.
In English
Workshoppen udforsker ophav som både stedspecifikt materiale og som indre tilstand, der forbinder os individuelt og kollektivt til landskabet, kroppen og anekraften. Hvad vil det sige at være forankret i landskaber, der altid er i proces, i bevægelse? Med inspiration fra den syddanske folkedans, guidede fysiske øvelser, meditationer og anskuelser inden for animistisk og feministisk ny materialisme vil vi sammen læne os ind i cirkulære bevægelsesrytmer og forestillingen om at bære landskaber inden i os. Ingen krav til tidligere erfaring med bevægelse. Ikke egnet til kørestolsbrugere.
Sarah Lee Armstrong er koreograf og danser og arbejder med cirklen som samlingssted, kollektivt anker og koreografisk udgangspunkt for undersøgelser af relationen til landskab, krop og tilhør. Hendes arbejde går i dialog med kroppen i samskabelse med landskabet og undersøger bevægelse som muliggørende praksis og potentiale for, at sprækker og nye møder kan opstå.
In Danish
Umbilicus er en fælles performance, hvor vi skaber en navlestreng hver og bevæger os ud i naturen og forbinder os fysisk og mentalt med stedet. Efter denne oplevelse går vi tilbage til udgangspunktet og forbinder os med hinanden og danner derved en stor, samlet navlestreng. Et forsøg på at finde tilbage til et stadie af oprindelighed.
Sonja Strange arbejder stedsspecifikt, hvor hun undersøger det givne steds historiske, biologiske, geologiske og mytologiske lag – en slags udforskning af vores fælles sammensatte verden. Strange skaber derefter en ny fortælling af performativ karakter, som udvikler sig til videoværker, objekter, kostumer, malerier, tekst og lyd. (Foto: Still fra videoværket Cryosleep af Sonja Strange til Socle du Monde 2024)
Performative action
In Danish
You will have 3 different experiences, which are preparatory steps for “The Forests Trial” performance. It is a cross-disciplinary performance between choreography, environmental law practice and activism. We will begin by experiencing part of Sara’s research on two case studies of ecocide chosen for this trial through her dancing and storytelling. Afterwards follows Dabke Group Dance – a folkloric Middle Eastern dance, which generates a sense of collective support and healing, while its about grounding and giving gratitude to the earth. Audiences will be invited to dance Dabke as a means to combine collective dance and activism to save our forests. We will end with a short presentation of a new online interactive platform for endangered species.
Sara Gebran is a choreographer, dancer, associate professor at Uniarts University Stockholm, and writer. Sara’s works are situated within performance art, exploring medias such as video, text, sound, and architecture, mediated by the dancing body. She has been studying how power works and forms of collective empowerment. Her practices of creating performances, writing books and educating proposes the creation of Heterotopia spaces, new spaces for self-governance and self-curation while instituting one’s own knowledge together with others.
In English
In- & outdoor
TORA BALSLEV: FOSSIL FEEL – strategier for nærvær
I øjeblikket bygges 11 nye motorveje i Danmark. Hvad er det for en ekstremt accelereret kultur, denne vejbygning er del af, og hvad gør den ved os som mennesker? Vil vi videre ud ad den vej? I vandringen er du med til at afsøge forbindelser mellem den økologiske krise og krisen i mental sundhed. Projektet forbinder Refshaleøens industri og kommende danske motorveje med emotionelle landskaber. En empatisk undersøgelse af, hvordan vi kan være til stede med kroppe i krise.
Du besøger det sted, hvor B&Ws største skibe blev samlet, og en lille skov, hvor værftet deponerede sit affald. Du hører om industriikonets historiske rolle i petro-kulturen og oplever en performance, hvor Tora Balslev undersøger, hvilke aftryk der er emotionelt deponeret i hendes eget indre landskab. Tora er inspireret af den tyske sociolog, Hartmut Rosa, som kobler kriser i økologi og mental sundhed til senmodernitetens fokus på hastighed, acceleration og optimering.
Tora Balslev er danser og performancekunstner. Med kroppen som redskab praktiserer hun strategier for nærvær. Hun udforsker relationer mellem menneskelige og andet-end-menneskelige kroppe i et bevægelsesbaseret arbejde relateret til eksistens og perspektiv. Toras værker skabes over tid og er del af en løbende samtale med forskere, publikum, studerende og forskellige lokale og sociale grupper.
In danish
Photos: Marine Gastineau / Dorte Bjerre / Dorte Bjerre & Nana Francisca Schottländer / hello!earth / Marie-Louise Stentebjerg / Nana Francisca Schottländer / 600 Highwaymen / Thomas Seest / Sara Vilardo & Sonja W. Thomsen / Alex Mørch / Morten Arnfred / Marine Gastineau / Maria Viftrup / Jacob Stage / Lisa Brüning / Marine Gastineau / Sonja Strange / Jeppe Michael Jensen / Max Morris / Jens Juul