6 June: Nermin Durakovic
TIME: 6 June 18.00-06.00h
START: Town Hall Square, Copenhagen K
CATEGORY: Visual artist
Live-stream each hour on the hour on www.facebook.com/walkingcopenhagen
My walk will start on Saturday 6 June at 18 from Copenhagen Town Hall Square and will move away from Copenhagen towards the north. The walk is based on the idea of leaving the city during the corona pandemic, ie. to escape from the crowd that urbanism creates and which a virus uses as a tool for its spread.
The very place you leave becomes a memory of the future, and all the places you encounter on the way to the new and unknown place of residence are a series of “non-places”, new places that you do not have an affiliation with. These sites I will strive to document, through the 12 live-streams, through photography.
17.00 h
18.00 h
19.00 h
20.00 h
21.00 h
22.00 h
23.00 h
24.00 h
01.00 h
02.00 h
03.00 h
04.00 h
05.00 h
06.00 h
Nermin Durakovic is a contemporary artist and has over the past twenty years worked with the Danish asylum conditions and aesthetics. He has helped launch a number of social, sporting and cultural initiatives and projects.