CECI N’EST PAS… – Dries Verhoeven
WHAT Installation
WHEN 12 – 21 Aug. weekdays 14-19 hrs, weekends 12-17 hrs
WHERE Gammeltorv, Kbh K – see map
TICKET For free
10 days, 10 taboos, 10 ice cold showers
Dries Verhoeven is one of today’s most talked about artists. He mixes theatre, set design and visual arts into challenging and thought-provoking settings. Surrounded by the tempting and perfect ‘people’ in the window displays on Strøget, Copenhagen’s shopping mecca, he disturbs us with confrontational images addressing the taboos of our time.
Over a period of ten days, ten persons occupy a glass box where they are being presented as rare relics or works of art. Like a revival of the exhibitions during the colonial period featuring weird people on markets.
These ten characters set out to challenge the norm. They are the exceptions we’re not used to come face to face with. Every day will feature a new scene, a new taboo in the glass box in the city. And public space once again becomes a place for exchange and debate.
“Dries Verhoeven gets us to see what we would rather ignore. What do we do? Walk away and pretend we haven’t seen anything? Or do we open up our eyes and remember that the world is not that simple? You can talk about this installation for hours and hours.” Rue 89, France
Read blog posts with impressions from all 10 days here:
Day 1 (prologue) – Ceci n’est pas de l’art
Day 2 – Ceci n’est pas une mère
Day 3 – Ceci n’est pas de l’amour
Day 4 – Ceci n’est pas le futur
Day 5 – Ceci n’est pas de l’histoire
Day 6 – Ceci n’est pas la nature
Day 7 – Ceci n’est pas notre désir
Day 8 – Ceci n’est pas notre peur
Day 9 – Ceci n’est pas mon corps
Day 10 (épiloque) – Ceci n’est pas moi
Concept Dries Verhoeven
Company manager Ilon Lodewijks
Technics Roel Evenhuis
In collaboration with a large number of performers
Photo Maja Nydal Eriksen
Support The Performing Arts Fund NL and in the framework of IN SITU Platform, which has received support of the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union
Ceci n’est pas…has been developped for “Second Cities – Performing Cities”